Dr Shane Kavanagh
Dr Shane Kavanagh studied in the Royal College of Surgeons, qualifying in 1998. He has since worked in many hospitals including Beaumont, The Mater Hospital, Connolly Memorial Hospital and Temple Street in Dublin. He has also worked in Obstetrics in the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth, Western Australia.
Since becoming a GP he has studied further in Musculo-Skeletal Medicine, Dermatology and Minor Surgery.
Dr Anne Marie Kavanagh
Dr Anne Marie Kavanagh qualified from medicine in the University College Galway in 1998 before working in UCH Galway, Beaumont, Temple Street, Crumlin Children’s Hospital and St Vincent’s in Dublin. She has also worked in Obstetrics in Australia.
She has a specialist interest in Women’s Health, Paediatrics and Dermatology. Her interests include reading and sports.
Nurse Suzanne Dundon
Suzanne trained as a nurse in Waterford Regional Hospital. She received her degree in nursing from Trinity Collage and her Diploma in Practice Nursing from the Royal College of Surgeons. She also holds an HDip in Orthopaedics from the Royal College of Surgeons. In the past she has worked Cappagh, The Mater Private, University Hospital of London, University Hospital of Cork and the Mid Western Orthopaedic Hospital in Croom Co Limerick.
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