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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make an appointment?

Our consultations are by appointment. Please telephone our reception to arrange a suitable appointment. We endeavor to keep to these times as much as possible.

In the case of an emergency, we will always be able to see you without an appointment. However, it is best to give us a call before you arrive to ensure that you are seen as quickly as possible. In the event of an emergency, we would ask patients in the waiting room for their patience and consideration. We would appreciate your understanding on these occasions.

We would ask if you are unable to attend your appointment, to contact reception to cancel and rearrange another appointment.

How do I get my repeat prescriptions?

  • Please request repeat prescriptions in writing or email to
    Please give us 48 hours notice for repeat prescriptions.
  • We cannot print your prescription more than7 days prior to the end of your previous prescription
  • Repeat prescriptions will be reviewed every 6 months. If you have not had a recent medication review please book in to see the doctor.
  • Please advise us of a nominated person to collect your prescription on your behalf if not collecting yourself
  • Unfortunately, we cannot issue prescriptions for antibiotics or other new medications without seeing the doctor

  • Can I have a house call?

    We are limited when providing house calls and most problems are best dealt within the practice, where there is a full range of facilities. However, house calls can be arranged for certain situations, where the doctor deems a home visit to be the most suitable management. Please contact reception if you feel you need a home visit as early as possible.

    How do I get my test results?

    You will be informed as to how long to expect to wait for your test result, depending on the particular test. You can contact reception for information regarding results. If they are available, you may be asked to attend the practice to discuss them. Alternatively, where appropriate some results may be given over the phone. If we have your consent, we can also send text messages to you regarding your results

    What do I do if the practice is closed?

    The practice is closed after 6pm, at weekends and on bank holidays. During this time you can call the Caredoc Out of hours service if you need to see a doctor. In the event of a medical emergency please call an ambulance on 112 or 999.
    If you have a medical emergency during practice lunchtimes (1-2pm) please call the practice doctor on duty on 089 413 8773

    Patient Privacy

    Whiterock Family Practice wants to ensure the highest standard of medical care for our patients. We understand that a General Practice is a trusted community governed by an ethic of privacy and confidentiality. Our practice is consistent with the Medical Council Guidelines and the privacy principles in the Data Protection Acts.


    Fees are determined by the nature of the consultation and are settled at the time of consultation. For your convenience we accept cash, cheques and laser. Standard consultation is 50.00 Euros.

    Courtesy Policy

    For the safety and wellbeing of all our staff and patients, abusive behaviour or foul language towards anyone at the practice will not be tolerated.

    Practice Prices:

    Regular GP Consultation is € 50.00

    Regular GP Consult with a blood test € 60.00

    Nurse Consultation € 30.00

    Please contact reception for a detailed price list

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